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Nou pe simpatie: simpatica_dorina din Arad
 | Femeie 21 ani Arad cauta Barbat 32 - 44 ani |
~frozen darkness~
 Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
100% urasti persoanele cu 2 fete?
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
 haters make me famous!
 eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani |
~frozen darkness~
 Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
uneori iti place roz-ul?
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
 haters make me famous!
 eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 442
iti place fotbalul?
_______________________________________ TOM 

pus acum 16 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
....nu sunt microbista dar imi place rozul
porti kestii mulate? 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 16 ani |
~frozen darkness~
 Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
uneori iti place sa te trezesti tarziu?
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
 haters make me famous!
 eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani |
~frozen darkness~
 Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
delete si ignore iti place pizza?=p~
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
 haters make me famous!
 eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2299
dimineata la pranz si seara=p~
copiezi la teze?

pus acum 16 ani |
~frozen darkness~
 Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
logic...cine nu copiaza...ma rog unde am nevoie ai vrea sa ai un frate..asta in caz ca nu ai 
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
 haters make me famous!
 eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani |
~frozen darkness~
 Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
am postere dar nu lipite.. iti place pizza?=p~ 
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
 haters make me famous!
 eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani |
~frozen darkness~
 Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
logic iti place sa asculti hip hop? 
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
 haters make me famous!
 eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani |
..::MuSsIc Is LoVe::..
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 481
normal...ce mash mai distra
ai merge la film ku bill? 

pus acum 16 ani |
Best Avatar*
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 237
Mai intrebi ??Normal ...
Ai vrea sa vina TH in Romania?

pus acum 16 ani |
Best Avatar*
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 237
pai .... am unul mic asa ca imi ajunge ...
ai vrea sa fii celebra? 

pus acum 16 ani |
..::MuSsIc Is LoVe::..
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 481
ai vrea sa fii actritza ?...precum Angelina Jolie [sau kom so srie ]

pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: mata mea bway:))
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1136
normal ca da.
ai vrea sa locuiesti in germania?
_______________________________________ Uneori viata te loveste mai dureros decat lama unui cutit ascutit. Dar uneori ranile sunt vindecate de persoane care nu au idee cat bine iti pot face fara macar sa te cunoasca.

pus acum 16 ani |
..::MuSsIc Is LoVe::..
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 481
nu ...OMG
tziar placea sa cantzi pe scena ku Bill'u ....la SCHREI 

pus acum 16 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
lol? Desigur ca
de ce tocmai intrebarea asta?
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 16 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
Nu ca sa ma aflu in treaba si sa fiu cul precum ceilalti:>dar daca de ex toata clasa chiuleste doar nu stau eo in clasa ca sa fiu fata silitoare si dar nu adun mai mult de 2-3 absente nemotivate
ti'ai facut cumparaturile pt scoala?
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: retardatilor fara creier:X
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1642
tocmai ieri dar nu am fost dupa caiete alea sunt ultima mea grija daca ar fi dupa mn nici nu mi leas lua
astepti scoala cu placere?
_______________________________________ I keep on fallin' In and out of love, With you Sometimes I love ya Sometimes u make me blue Sometimes I feel good At times I feel used Lovin' you darlin' Makes me so confused I keep on Fallin' In and out of love with you I never loved someone The way that I love you

pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: retardatilor fara creier:X
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1642
aa pai acuma miam luat una daia tip postas 
aa ai un animal de casa?
Modificat de Hobble (acum 16 ani)
_______________________________________ I keep on fallin' In and out of love, With you Sometimes I love ya Sometimes u make me blue Sometimes I feel good At times I feel used Lovin' you darlin' Makes me so confused I keep on Fallin' In and out of love with you I never loved someone The way that I love you

pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: retardatilor fara creier:X
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1642
nu ma indragostesc prea des
iti place sa faci pizza?(lipsa de inspiratie)
_______________________________________ I keep on fallin' In and out of love, With you Sometimes I love ya Sometimes u make me blue Sometimes I feel good At times I feel used Lovin' you darlin' Makes me so confused I keep on Fallin' In and out of love with you I never loved someone The way that I love you

pus acum 16 ani |
..::MuSsIc Is LoVe::..
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 481
uneori [in momentu asta urask ploaia ,azi trebe sa ma duc in orash , la cumparaturi{pt sc,mai am cateva d loat} shi cn se mai duce p ploaie ]
iti place sa mergi iarna prin zapada? 

pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: retardatilor fara creier:X
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1642
camera mea arata ca dupa al doilea razboi mondial toate hainele mai cad din dulap schitele mele cu haine si etc sunt toate intrun colt pe jos de 3 luni nu sau miscat de acolo pe birou gasesti ce vrei
iti place sa inoti? 
_______________________________________ I keep on fallin' In and out of love, With you Sometimes I love ya Sometimes u make me blue Sometimes I feel good At times I feel used Lovin' you darlin' Makes me so confused I keep on Fallin' In and out of love with you I never loved someone The way that I love you

pus acum 16 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
Depinde ce intelegi prin populara:-?? ma stie lumea prin scoala
porti camasa alba la scoala? 
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2299
sunt dependenta.....si cica vreau sa ma las....sa trec pe lipton ...pfff

pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: retardatilor fara creier:X
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1642
iti place la sc?
_______________________________________ I keep on fallin' In and out of love, With you Sometimes I love ya Sometimes u make me blue Sometimes I feel good At times I feel used Lovin' you darlin' Makes me so confused I keep on Fallin' In and out of love with you I never loved someone The way that I love you

pus acum 16 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
O ador
stii sa te integrezi intr'un grup/clasa nou/noua?
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani |
Biggest fan
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 188
itzi place frishk? [urasc ]
_______________________________________ "When you see my face I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell When you walk my way I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell " [by The All-American Rejects - Gives you hell]
I'm back^^ and...I luv Vampires <3 and....with a chocolate dependence XD this is me in my animal version:Choco
 do u like me? :o3
pus acum 16 ani |
..::MuSsIc Is LoVe::..
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 481
iti plac merele? 

pus acum 16 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
Nu am mai mancat de mult
suporti bine criticile?
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani |
Biggest fan
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 188
depinde kt d adanci sunt k sa zic asha
plangi des?
_______________________________________ "When you see my face I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell When you walk my way I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell " [by The All-American Rejects - Gives you hell]
I'm back^^ and...I luv Vampires <3 and....with a chocolate dependence XD this is me in my animal version:Choco
 do u like me? :o3
pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: retardatilor fara creier:X
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1642
depinde de subiect in vacanata m cam jelit acum nu mai am timp sa ma gandesc la lucruile care ma fac sa sufar th s i muz
esto fommista?
_______________________________________ I keep on fallin' In and out of love, With you Sometimes I love ya Sometimes u make me blue Sometimes I feel good At times I feel used Lovin' you darlin' Makes me so confused I keep on Fallin' In and out of love with you I never loved someone The way that I love you

pus acum 16 ani |
Biggest fan
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 188
stau q un brunet 
itzi plac pufuletzii? 
_______________________________________ "When you see my face I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell When you walk my way I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell " [by The All-American Rejects - Gives you hell]
I'm back^^ and...I luv Vampires <3 and....with a chocolate dependence XD this is me in my animal version:Choco
 do u like me? :o3
pus acum 16 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2299
imi trebuie vreo 5 pungi ca sa simt gustul
chiulesti de la orele grele mai ales cand ai lucrare?

pus acum 16 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 58
depinde ce ore sunt...
te`ai jucat cu papusa cand erai mica?

pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: mata mea bway:))
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1136
pai cand aveam 5 ani da
tiar place sa fi alta persoana decat esti?
_______________________________________ Uneori viata te loveste mai dureros decat lama unui cutit ascutit. Dar uneori ranile sunt vindecate de persoane care nu au idee cat bine iti pot face fara macar sa te cunoasca.

pus acum 16 ani |
~frozen darkness~
 Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
cred ca ar sari peste tot..nu prea iti place sa te machiezi?
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
 haters make me famous!
 eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 517
normal...nu ies din casa nemachiata... iti place sa te holbezi la pozele lu' bill cu orele? {nam idei} 
_______________________________________ ~°This is the end you know Boy, the plans we had went all wrong We ain't nothing but fight and shout and tears We can't cry the pain away We can't find a need to stay There's no more rabbits in my hat to make things right Out of my life, Out of my mind Out of the tears we can't deny We need to swallow all our pride And leave this mess behind Out of my head, Out of my bed Out of the dreams we had, they're bad Tell them it's me who made you sad Tell them the fairytale gone bad~°

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ luv my soatza:X
pus acum 16 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: de dincolo de orizont
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 394
daaa.....farmecu verii.
ai vrea sa nu existe manele?
_______________________________________ DeAi Fi Tu SaLcIe La MaL mAsH fAcE rAu La UmBrA tA....
pus acum 16 ani |
Biggest fan
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 188
iti place chocolata? 
_______________________________________ "When you see my face I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell When you walk my way I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell " [by The All-American Rejects - Gives you hell]
I'm back^^ and...I luv Vampires <3 and....with a chocolate dependence XD this is me in my animal version:Choco
 do u like me? :o3
pus acum 15 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 1178
cea neagra
stii sa canti la chitara?
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
am ales sa las acesta ptr k are si mai multe pagini! 
_______________________________________ Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side U are my Extasy! Cause when u're here I'm high by the music *Keeps me stronger*
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: far away;;)
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 280
dua pai sunt chitarsitha secundara in my band itzi plake sa faci graffity?
_______________________________________ All I ever wanted Was to see you smiling All I ever wanted Was to make you mine I know that I love you Oh baby why don’t you see That all I ever wanted Was you and me
pus acum 15 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
Daca as sti sa fac mi'ar placea
Te imbraci elegant cand trebuie sau preferi tot adidasii si pantalonii? 
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 409
Ma imbrac elegant atunci cand trebuie, este nevoie sa faci impresie buna unde te duci
Asculti Rammstein?
_______________________________________ Michael Jackson 1958-2009

pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 181
delok cred itzi place matematik?
_______________________________________ Cimitir de amintiri Inimi frante si iubiri Ia la tine si ingroapa Inca o iubire moarta
Vreau acum langa mine sa fi S-alergam prin locuri pustii Sa sara-n al meu suflet viata Fiindca am ramas iubito...izvor de gheata
Mdeah yo f!ory......
pus acum 15 ani |
Tokio Hotel fan
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 123
iti place sa ai ubith? 
pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 181
nu trebuia sa spui nuu ha ha ) cateodata stii sa joki jokul asta? 
_______________________________________ Cimitir de amintiri Inimi frante si iubiri Ia la tine si ingroapa Inca o iubire moarta
Vreau acum langa mine sa fi S-alergam prin locuri pustii Sa sara-n al meu suflet viata Fiindca am ramas iubito...izvor de gheata
Mdeah yo f!ory......
pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 181
se num fara da sau nu adik nu ai voie sa spui da sau nu 
_______________________________________ Cimitir de amintiri Inimi frante si iubiri Ia la tine si ingroapa Inca o iubire moarta
Vreau acum langa mine sa fi S-alergam prin locuri pustii Sa sara-n al meu suflet viata Fiindca am ramas iubito...izvor de gheata
Mdeah yo f!ory......
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: de dincolo de orizont
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 394
iti place sa te plimbi cu barca? sau cu vaporu?
_______________________________________ DeAi Fi Tu SaLcIe La MaL mAsH fAcE rAu La UmBrA tA....
pus acum 15 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
Oarecum..ca nu prea ma plimb..da' n'am rau de mare
Iti plac filmele siropoase?
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: de dincolo de orizont
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 394
iti place sa dansezi??/ 
_______________________________________ DeAi Fi Tu SaLcIe La MaL mAsH fAcE rAu La UmBrA tA....
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: mama
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1797
Cateodata Doar asa cand le vad ca altfel...
Ai vrea sa devi vedeta peste noapte?
_______________________________________ PnK DuDe
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: mama
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1797
Multzi zic ca sunt
Vrei sa te casatoresti?
_______________________________________ PnK DuDe
pus acum 15 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 1178
eeee depinde cu cine.....:>:>:> ca altfel nas face sacrificiul asta
Vrei sa bei acum o cola rece=p~=p~??
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: mama
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1797
E adevarat ca itzi place de Billu?
_______________________________________ PnK DuDe
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: mama
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1797
E adevarat ca vine sfarsitu lumii?
_______________________________________ PnK DuDe
pus acum 15 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 1178
E adev ca atunci camd erai mica ai cazut din pat? 
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: mama
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1797
Mai intrebi?
Ai vrea ca sa mergi la un concert Th in Romania?
_______________________________________ PnK DuDe
pus acum 15 ani |