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 | Femeie 24 ani Ilfov cauta Barbat 24 - 53 ani |
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 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Si ink ascult MJ
Este adevarat k...iti place Dr House? 

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
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Postari: 24
Nu ma uit foarte rar cand sunt disperata si nu gasesc nimic altceva
Este adevarat ca Romania este una dintre cele mai oribile tari din Europa?(ma refer la populatia Romaniei)

pus acum 15 ani |
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 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
ii ador ;x
E adevarat ca ai Photoshop pe calculator? 

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
nup,k am avut calculatorul defect
este adevarat ca esti fan Linkin Park?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
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Postari: 319
Este adevarat ca esti fan al seriei Sims?

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Doar fan?Sunt dupa sims
Este adevarat ca nu ai iubit? 

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
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 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
Foarte! Si nici nu imi doresc!
Este adevarat ca iti plac chestiile gotice? (Nu ma refer la stilul arhitectural)

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Daa,sunt moarta dupa ele
Este adevarat ca ti-e frica de paianjeni? 

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
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Postari: 319
uneori...in rest imi place sa imi scot un papuc si sa ii strivesc: BWHAHAHAHAHA *cough**choke**cough* HAHAHAHA
Este adevarat a habar nu ai ce-i aia Vocaloid?

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Ce-i ala??
Este adevarat ca iti plac Backstreet Boys?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
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Postari: 319
Am ascultat o singura melodie de la ei in toata viata mea o_o
Vocaloid e un software in care poti sa faci melodii si versuri, in general J-Pop.
Este adevarat ca iti plac baietii blonzi cu ochi albastri?

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Nu-i suport kit ca-mi tai gatu'
Este adevarat ca iti place medicina?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
Nu mi se pare un subiect stralucit
Este adevarat ca in vacanta de vara pleci in alta tara? (ma refer in excursie, nu de tot)

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Doar in Germania pentru trei saptamani
Este adevarat ca iti place culoarea mov?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
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 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
Nu e preferata mea dar imi place. M-a obsedat o colega care vine imbracata la scoala numai in mov.
Este adevarat ca folosesti Mozilla Firefox?

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Folosesc Opera
Este adevarat ca porti boxeri roz? 

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
momentan nu...dar am XD si cu stelute 
Este adevarat ca iti place sa asculti muzica instrumentala? (nu ma refer la muzica clasica ci la soundtrackurile de la filme si chestii de genul)

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Din: Din Padurea Spanzuratzilor
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 172
Ador melodiile instrumentale
E adevarat k ai luat un 4 in viatza ta?
_______________________________________ Click Pliz...
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
Nu. Am luat 1 dar niciodata 4.
Este adevarat ca ti-ai dori sa locuiesti in Anglia?

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
Rock Angel
Tokio Hotel fan
 Din: Chica Bomb
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 102
nu..in Berlin este adevarat ca esti o mare fana anime ?
 You want me?I want you.You fuck me I fuck you
pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Din: Din Padurea Spanzuratzilor
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 172
E adevarat k ai avut iubit? 
_______________________________________ Click Pliz...
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
La nebunie
Este adevarat ca te-ai jucat azi in zapada?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
Nu ca imi ingheta fundul 
Este adevarat ca te streseaza cand cineva vorbeste incontinuu?

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Din: Din Padurea Spanzuratzilor
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 172
Da.. E adevarat k itzi plc. poeziile romantice? 
_______________________________________ Click Pliz...
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
ma streseaza...nu imi plac chestiile siropoase
Este adevarat ca iti plac fan ficurile bine scrise si originale?

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
normal ca da
Este adevarat ca ai vrea acum sa te bronzezi?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
la lumina becului 
Este adevarat ca ai auzit de formatia Megaromania?

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Ii iubesc si vin la noi
Este adevarat ca iti plac uniformele japoneze?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Din: Din Padurea Spanzuratzilor
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 172
Sunt belea.. E adevarat k adori animalele?:>
_______________________________________ Click Pliz...
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Imi plac toate
Este adevarat ca iti place H2O?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Din: Din Padurea Spanzuratzilor
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 172
Mi.a placut.. E adevarat k placi pe cineva.?
_______________________________________ Click Pliz...
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: mama
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1797
Acum nu
E adevarat ca te`ai certat cu mama ta in ultimele 24 de ore?
_______________________________________ PnK DuDe
pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Din: Din Padurea Spanzuratzilor
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 172
Putzin. E adevarat k iubeste sa faci poze.?
_______________________________________ Click Pliz...
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: mama
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1797
E adevarat ca ai 1,70 inaltzime?
_______________________________________ PnK DuDe
pus acum 15 ani |
Biggest fan
 Din: Din Padurea Spanzuratzilor
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 172
Cam asa ceva... E adevarat ca nu crezi in demoni.?
_______________________________________ Click Pliz...
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: mama
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1797
Ieste maii...
Este adevarat ca in id-ul tau de mess exista cuvantul "dulcik"?
_______________________________________ PnK DuDe
pus acum 15 ani |
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 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 319
urasc id-urile de tipul asta
Este adevarat ca in ultima saptamana nu ai intrat foarte des pe mess?

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Este adevarat ca urasti matematica?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1361
nu este adevarat ca acu ai manca o ciocolata?
_______________________________________ All we need is fantasy!
pus acum 15 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Nu...ca mananc clatite
Este adevarat ca iti place hard rockul?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru nou
 Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 17
este adevarat ca o urasti pe hannah montana?
_______________________________________ At the end I became them and I led them After all, none of us really qualified as humans we are just hard worn automatic, and as hallow as the "o" in God. I re-attached my emotions cellular, narcotic... From of the top of the Hollywood it looked like space Millions of capsules Mechanical Animals The city filled with dead stars And a girl I call Coma White
This is my Omega
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: mama
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1797
Ioi da...din tot sufletuuullllllllll....as spanzura`o 
Este adevarat ca iti place de un baiat din scoala/liceul tau? 
_______________________________________ PnK DuDe
pus acum 14 ani |
Biggest fan
 Din: in inima lui tom
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 159
Am chitara dar nu stiu sa cant la ea . e adevarat ca ai peste 18 ani?? 
_______________________________________ We were running through the town Our senses had been drowned No place we hadn’t been before We learned to live and then Our freedom came to an end We have to break down this wall Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
We are looking back again Our loneliness and pain Never been so wide awake Breathe slowly in and out so where we earned the clouds I can see the morning break Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
Leave it all behind you now The final wall is breaking down We are all it’s all about Nothing can stop us now
I promise you right know I never let you down
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t turn around
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashïng down Don’t you turn around
Don’t you turn around Don’t you turn around
pus acum 14 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Nooo ...mai am de asteptat
Este adevarat ca iti plac gangsterii? 

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 14 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: Braila
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 324
Daaa e prea belea
Este adevarat ca ii place sa desenezi?

Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We'll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet
pus acum 14 ani |
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 Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 20
Foarte adevărat. Este adevărat că îţi place Jared Leto (30 Seconds To Mars)?
 Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Mark Twain
pus acum 13 ani |