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aa....el e acel care a aparut pe coperta la popcorn nu? ....arata....ciudat
pus acum 16 ani
Zo Cel Merri
Moderator Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
Doamne cat de penal e tipu asta ! in popcorn are un poster si un artilcol cu el si mi'a venit gretaza cand am vazut pozele
nu stiu ce gusturi aveti voi insa ala nu e baiat/barbat
pariu ca poarta chiloti cu pl'a dar el el e cul , si
recent, am vazut X men 1,2,3 si LOOOGAANN e
si da
acum ma enervaza gay de genu astuia .
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !
You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: retardatilor fara creier:X
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1642
mie imi place are un stil ciudat care atrage mama il face gay bn ca a terminat mama ca inainte il facea gay pe bill da acum numi gata ii zice 2.20 dupa mn
miyavi e hot
Modificat de Hobble (acum 16 ani)
_______________________________________ I keep on fallin' In and out of love, With you Sometimes I love ya Sometimes u make me blue Sometimes I feel good At times I feel used Lovin' you darlin' Makes me so confused I keep on Fallin' In and out of love with you I never loved someone The way that I love you
pus acum 16 ani
Zo Cel Merri
Moderator Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
haidee maii
chiar iti place?
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !
You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
Deci cand am zis in primele posturi k nu-mi place...cred k debitam prostii...
Este absolut Kawaii!!!!
Miyavi este WOW!!!
Si in unele poze zici k este femeie..deoarece canta KABUKI rock. Sa va explic, k sa pricepetzi. Kabuki este teatrul traditzional japonez. Insa la inceput in Kabuki jucau doar barbatzii. Si deoarece erau in piese si roluri de femei, barbatzii se deghizau in femei. Asa a aparut Onna-Kabuki, unde barbatzii jucau roluri de femei. De aici i se trage si lui Miyavi acest stil. E barbat [unul extrem de ] si nuh poarta chilotzi cu pl...chiar are. Pe scena,in poze poate arata k o femeie, insa in privat e un barbat al draq de bun!
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
Sa va mai dau informatzii??
S-a nascut pe 14 sept 1981, in Konohana-ku -> Osaka. Canta la chitara si a fost membru al formatziei Due le Quartz, cunoscut fiind sub numele de Miyabi. DLQ s-au despartzit in 2002. Dupa aceasta despartzire, Miyabi si-a schimbat numele in Miyavi, apucandu-se de o cariera solo,scriindu-si proprile cantece.
Cand era mic a jucat fotbal, dar deoarece a avut un accident, s-a lasat de sport, descoperind chitara la varsta de 15 ani. Inca ii place fotbalul si nuh rateaza nicio ocazie sa se joace un pic cu mingea. Si am vazut cum joaca: like a pro!
Are si un film care este o autobiografie. Se numeste ORESAMA [inseamna EU. "ore" (eu) este folosit de loc de "watashi" (care inseamna tot eu). kinda strange, I know. ]
Deci tipu` are...27 de ani?? Oricum, e foarte tare! Si are niste spectacole bestiale!
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
Si cateva clipuri: [alea kre imi plac mie cel mai mult ]
1. Senor, Senora, Senorita
^O colega mi-a zis k mel asta ar semana cu una a lu` Ricky Martin [sau ceva de genu` :-??]. N-o contrazic k nush melodiile acelui..
2. Neo Visualizm
^Se vede km aiurea, da` n-am ce sa fac!
3. What a Wonderful World
Sa pun si discografia?? [sursa: wikipedia]
With Dué le Quartz Main article: Dué le Quartz Albums Gagaku (October 31, 2002) Galyuu (December 2, 2003) Miyavizm (June 1, 2005) Myv Pops (August 2, 2006) Miyaviuta -Dokusou- (September 13, 2006) This Iz the Japanese Kabuki Rock (March 19, 2008) Extended plays 7 Samurai Sessions -We're Kavki Boiz- (July 18, 2007) Remixx Album - Room No.382 - Remixed by TeddyLoid (December 24, 2008) Compilations Azn Pride -This Iz the Japanese Kabuki Rock- (June 27, 2008) Singles "Shindemo Boogie-Woogie" (November 30, 2002) "Pop Is Dead" (November 30, 2002) "Jingle Bell" (December 18, 2002) "Jibun Kakumei -2003-" (April 16, 2003) "Tariraritarara" (June 25, 2003) "Coo quack cluck -Ku. Ku. Ru-" (September 3, 2003) "Ashita, Genki ni Naare" (June 23, 2004) "Rock no Gyakushuu -Super Star no Jouken-"/"21 Seikigata Koushinkyoku" (October 20, 2004) "Freedom Fighters -Icecream wo Motta Hadashi no Megami to, Kikanjuu wo Motta Hadaka no Ousama-" (May 4, 2005) "Kekkonshiki no Uta ~Kisetsu Hazure no Wedding March~"/"Are You Ready to Rock?" (October 12, 2005) "Senor Senora Senorita"/"Gigpig Boogie" (January 18, 2006) "Dear My Friend"/"Itoshii Hito" (April 12, 2006) "Kimi ni Negai Wo" (July 5, 2006) "Sakihokoru Hana no You Ni -Neo Visualizm-"/"Kabuki Boiz" (June 20, 2007) "Subarashikikana, Kono Sekai -What a Wonderful World-" (November 14, 2007) "Hi no Hikari Sae Todokanai Kono Basho De" (January 16, 2008) DVD Gekokujou (live concert, July 23, 2003) Oresama (film, February 25, 2004) Hitorigei (music video compilation, August 21, 2004) Indies Last Live in Nihon Budokan (live concert, December 1, 2004) Noriko no Ichi (live documentary, January 12, 2005) Hitorigei 2 (music video compilation, December 7, 2005) Hitorigei 3 (music video compilation, December 20, 2006) 25 Shunen Kinen Koen Tokyo Geijutsu Gekijo 5 Days -Dokuso- (live concert, May 2, 2007) The Beginning of Neo Visualizm Tour 2007 (live concert, May 7, 2008) Official Bootleg Live at Shinkiba Coast (live concert, May 7, 2008) This Iz The Original Samurai Style (music video compilation, December 24, 2008) VHS Shibuya Kokadi (live concert)
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000 revenit...
Uitatzi cateva postari pe blog [e un fel de jurnal blogul lui]
08/5/20 (Tues) I've been writing mostly in the blog, so I thought I should post here for sometimes.
It's 6 am right now. I had a shower and some breakfast, and now I'm heading to Dallas to catch a flight to Chile.
Now that the US leg of the tour is over, I have one thought:
"I wasn't wrong."
To tell the truth, I worried over it for a long time. I thought about it right up until we left on the tour.
I was scared.
Was this all just me just doing what *I* wanted? Was it just me being selfish? Was it just my ego?
But it wasn't.
That's the truth.
"It wasn't."
It's not about the style of music. This is my 'way I connect with my fans.'
I'm sorry for everything up 'till now.
Haha. Oh man, I'm kinda crying now. (LOL)
Oh well, today's just a traveling day, so I guess it's okay.
I'm sobbing while I type this. (LOL)
Oh man, what the heck?
Just picture this, it's totally surreal (LOL): Here's a 26 year old guy (but please don't give my age out) alone in his hotel room in San Francisco at 6 in the morning, writing in his blog, and crying
...I can't stop.
Oh well, I'll continue.
I've never forgotten the way the the fans looked and what they said when Duo le Quartz (the first band I was in after coming to Tokyo) broke up.
Of course the break up was something we'd all decided together as a band, so we could 'each of us go forward positively into the future', so I was able to stop any left over emotions with my tears and my snot, and make a fresh start to the next stage, but...
"I don't know how I'll go on living."
"I lost all my goals and hote for my life."
"I wanted to die."
[When I heard the fans they things like that] I thought.
This isn't right. We can't let them feel like that. That's not the right way to do things, it's not the kind of relationship I want us to have.
I'm just a person, just like all of you.
I brush my teeth, and I go to the bathroom.
Some day I may not be able to play music anymore. I might die in some sort of accident. I'm sorry to say that kind of thing. But even if I act like a rock star, I'm only human. So that kind of thing might happen, you know?
So if God forbid, something like that ever happens, I don't want you guys to feel that way. I thought a lot about it all, about how I don't want us to be musician/fan, I want us to be person/person.
I thought, and I thought, and I thought. Maybe I thought about it all too much.
There was a part of me that avoiding straight communication with the fans.
I wonder why? I couldn't be nice to them. I thought I shouldn't be.
But I was wrong.
That wasn't right. That wasn't it.
The important thing isn't "Putting distance between us so that doesn't happen." It's "Making a relationship that can get through something like that happening."
I'm so sorry I made all of you feel so lonely.
Of course I plan to continue to break the walls of genre with my music, and continue my own original samurai style.
But I'll always have a special seat next to me for all of you.
So now I can say it proudly:
i love u
....Haha, seriously, this scene is so surreal. (LOL)
I kind of lost track of what I want to say, but anyway, I'm going to do my best.
Oh man, I gotta get going.
I'm off!
See you in a little while, everyone in Chile!
Also, I've been posting in my Official MySpace blog lately too, so check that out.
See ya!
I love you guys.
much respect
From San Francisco, to the rest of the world, with love,
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
Chile is too awesome too!
Ola, Chile~ Como estas--?? It means "Chile how are you? How do you feel?" (1) I am FUCKIN' sleepy.
In Chile too, in heavy make-up, "bangarimashita". It means I gave my all. ["ganbarimashita"] (2)
There was some trouble and chaos, but thanks to the members, staff and fans, we managed to overcome it safely.
The enthusiasm of the fans was really CRAZY. South America is great.
As if it was samba. Or kinda like if it was a soccer match. (laughs) They were calling out "Miyabi" three quarters of the time. (laughs louder)
South America I've fallen in love with you-.
You were all very warm and affectionate. (3) And before I knew it, I'm on the other side of the world?
Awesome right? "Neo" right? (4)
But the sky is connected right~.
Yup, the cloudy sky. (laughs)
...By the way the bodyguards have just been waiting outside the room doing nothing. Like some kind of South Korean or Asian super-strict elite guards. Yeah, it's almost like "maiko". (laughs) (5) Of course, the SPs are very lively at all the concerts too. (laughs) (6)
NEWAY, I'm going to Brazil!
...Though I wish I was going as a soccer player instead. (cries)