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*..::ToKiO HoTeL G!rLs::..* / *..::Archive::..* / Joc Pe Forum - VOTEAZA AVATARUL CELUI DE DEASUPRA TA Moderat de *KiKi*, Bill_Tom_Kaulitz, NarCiss, Tzo cel Pip', ich_liebe_dich
Mesaj Pagini:  1 2

Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
kira...hai baga note la avatare!!! 

hai k tuh vad k dai note mici...baga baga!!! vreau si eoo nota! 

Tic Tac....


pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996

papuselu meu e de 7,50        


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani
Tzo cel Pip'

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888
Waa..ma simt jignita
Oricum nici mie nu`mi place avatarul ala..asa..cu ala..:>

Cartoon Network Rullez !

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani
Tzo cel Pip'

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888
Nu al tau wa.Il ador.
Nu`mi prea place avatarul kirei pt ca nu`s fan anime si nu gasesc nik interesant

Cartoon Network Rullez !

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996

nici io nu sunt fana anime

dak avea ceva din desene animate era mai cool



You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani
Kira Aikad
Membru nou

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 31
:-" Nu-i din anime-uri...
E dintr-un joc :-" Adica Devil May Cry 3, iar tipu-i Dante[search on google to find more ]

Ok, DarkAngeL...iti dau tie nota caci lui adelinutza i-am dat deja
Avatar: yay, stelute ^^ Destul de dragut, dar cam simplu...8
Sig: e in anime stile, e gif...WTF? E de 10

[BTW, srr, adelinutza, da' nu-s fana TH de aceea ti-am dat nota mai mica pt avatar]


This is the day when the devil will cry...

pus acum 17 ani

Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
8 si 10...media esteh...9...esteh bn! ma simt mandra!!!


btw! am stelutze pt k eoo vad stelutze rosii..si avataru ma repr! intr-un fel...iar la semnatura...well...nu mai zic nik! just love it!!!   

Tic Tac....


pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
io lu kira ii dau 10 pt k e bun rau tipu ala de la avatr    


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani
Kira Aikad
Membru nou

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 31
Awh, asta am zis si eu cand am vazut jocu' si imaginea aceea ^^[I wanna read or see a yaoi with him *pervert smile* ]


This is the day when the devil will cry...

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
pakt k e doar in joc


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani
~Bill is my love~

Din: craiova
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1445
10    )

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
si io dau 10  

plac ciorapi colorati


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani
Tzo cel Pip'

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888
minus zece la acel adelin cu avatar

Cartoon Network Rullez !

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
deci avataru lui face sa nu mai beau apa

este bine



You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 515
10+ doar e tom si bill


A avea un prieten nu inseamna sa ii recunosti doar calitatile...trebuie sa ii stii si defectele si sa il ajuti sa si le repare!
Prietenia e un dar special care trebuie pastrat in tine,ocrotit de celelate organe...hranit de sange si tinut de inima.
A little change...

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996

si u ai 10 este foarte faina poza    


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
ii dau 10 sotzului ptr k imi plac sprancenele tipei din imagine!

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
10 la sotzie pt k are bobo colorate

insa ce sprancene si ce tipa?


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
      pai eu ma refeream la tipa din avatarul tau si in al doilea rand ce bobo colorate vezi la mine?in avatarul meu e Bimbo in persoana!  
explica-mi plsss k sa pot dormi

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1487
10 imi place avul


Nu fi zgarcit. Daca vrei sa ma omori... ce mai astepti?

pus acum 17 ani
Tzo cel Pip'

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888
Imi place tactica mamei

Cartoon Network Rullez !

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
    dar care e avatarul meu maii,k am sa innebunesc!eu vad poza lui Bimbo,altii imi zic k am pastile de ecstasy!!!!!!!    

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 17 ani
Tzo cel Pip'

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888
Pai..apar niste pastile la mine,,    
Credeam k glumeste

Cartoon Network Rullez !

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
  offffff....mie imi arata alt avatar si nu stiu de ce!

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
acu il vad pe bimbo        

inainte vedeam pastile colorate


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
  deci a aparut Bimbo in sfarsit?  
eh,nu am ales chiar o poza reusita cu el,dar merge zic eu
il iubeste Gia pe el mult!

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 515
e dragutz tipul


A avea un prieten nu inseamna sa ii recunosti doar calitatile...trebuie sa ii stii si defectele si sa il ajuti sa si le repare!
Prietenia e un dar special care trebuie pastrat in tine,ocrotit de celelate organe...hranit de sange si tinut de inima.
A little change...

pus acum 17 ani
Tzo cel Pip'

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888
Cine e.. ?
Am mai intrebat la un topic asta
Ma simt Eu  

Cartoon Network Rullez !

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
este acel bimbo din ficul sotzie

acela asa de bun    

cum sa nu-i dau eo 10


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani
Tzo cel Pip'

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888

Cartoon Network Rullez !

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
la BlOo dau 10 pt k avatarul ei are dreptate



You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
10 dau si eu Mariei ptr k avatarul ei ma duce cu mintea cand jucam si eu spanzuratoarea    
si app.pe Bimbo il cheama Cristi(Criss ii zic eu) sa-l manac eu pe el sorry

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
10 ii dau si Ioanei

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
bimbo e bimbo si e hot    


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
10 soper avt

Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
10 si tie k place poza

adik -10 pt k nu se vd tom asa bn


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1361
9,9999 k nu inteleg ce are iai in gura

All we need is fantasy!

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
are o inimioara din gheata    

10 pt corina k imi place de copilitza aia mik si dulce


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
10 Corinei...e ciudatzel avataru si mie imi place!

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
      aha e foarte dulce avataru ei


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 429
10 adelinutzei!     app...pana acum eu credeam ca e o sfera de gheata  



pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
este o inimioara    


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
10 la cretz k e un desen reusit


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
10 la nou' avt

Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
10 la doar eu pt k sunt fan tom si jerry    


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
10 ...    


I wated but you never came
                   I stood there in the rain,
                   waiting for you in the codl night,
                   My tears streaming down my face..

                   You could not see them because of the rain...
                   My body soaked but you were still not there..
             I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came...
  My heart broke that night...

               When you NEVER came!!!

Love  is not blind, it’s retarded!

A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...

A smile doesn’t cost anything

The world is just a big ball to play with.

pus acum 16 ani
Passion's Killing Floor
Membru nou

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 39
10   ..
e super    


Ville, my brother:>:X:X:X:X
And Bill, maybe just a friend....

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
10 k are asa o privire   

Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!

pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
10..cu indulgenta



I wated but you never came
                   I stood there in the rain,
                   waiting for you in the codl night,
                   My tears streaming down my face..

                   You could not see them because of the rain...
                   My body soaked but you were still not there..
             I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came...
  My heart broke that night...

               When you NEVER came!!!

Love  is not blind, it’s retarded!

A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...

A smile doesn’t cost anything

The world is just a big ball to play with.

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996

doar este TH    


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
9.99 k mi se pare emo 


Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Iasi ..pe acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
9.85 k nu`mi place cum sta cu buzele


AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi


pus acum 16 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
10 k e cu albastru  


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892

mereu mai plakt av tau

I wated but you never came
                   I stood there in the rain,
                   waiting for you in the codl night,
                   My tears streaming down my face..

                   You could not see them because of the rain...
                   My body soaked but you were still not there..
             I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came...
  My heart broke that night...

               When you NEVER came!!!

Love  is not blind, it’s retarded!

A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...

A smile doesn’t cost anything

The world is just a big ball to play with.

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 442
10  TH  


pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111

nush ce reprezinta dar e marpha 

Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!

pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
fantoma aia era pt mn nu?



I wated but you never came
                   I stood there in the rain,
                   waiting for you in the codl night,
                   My tears streaming down my face..

                   You could not see them because of the rain...
                   My body soaked but you were still not there..
             I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came...
  My heart broke that night...

               When you NEVER came!!!

Love  is not blind, it’s retarded!

A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...

A smile doesn’t cost anything

The world is just a big ball to play with.

pus acum 16 ani
Passion's Killing Floor
Membru nou

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 39

mishto de tot poza  


Ville, my brother:>:X:X:X:X
And Bill, maybe just a friend....

pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
hmm,,,9 ca e incruntat

I wated but you never came
                   I stood there in the rain,
                   waiting for you in the codl night,
                   My tears streaming down my face..

                   You could not see them because of the rain...
                   My body soaked but you were still not there..
             I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came...
  My heart broke that night...

               When you NEVER came!!!

Love  is not blind, it’s retarded!

A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...

A smile doesn’t cost anything

The world is just a big ball to play with.

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996

doar e TH    


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Iasi ..pe acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
10 ca  imi plac culorile din ea  


AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi


pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 442
10      imi place cum ai iesit


pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
10 ca e cu cercelu  

I wated but you never came
                   I stood there in the rain,
                   waiting for you in the codl night,
                   My tears streaming down my face..

                   You could not see them because of the rain...
                   My body soaked but you were still not there..
             I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came...
  My heart broke that night...

               When you NEVER came!!!

Love  is not blind, it’s retarded!

A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...

A smile doesn’t cost anything

The world is just a big ball to play with.

pus acum 16 ani
Tzo cel Pip'

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888
10 ca e cu......lumina  

Cartoon Network Rullez !

pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
10 ca seamana cu mn  

I wated but you never came
                   I stood there in the rain,
                   waiting for you in the codl night,
                   My tears streaming down my face..

                   You could not see them because of the rain...
                   My body soaked but you were still not there..
             I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came...
  My heart broke that night...

               When you NEVER came!!!

Love  is not blind, it’s retarded!

A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...

A smile doesn’t cost anything

The world is just a big ball to play with.

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
10 fara alte comentarii   

Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!

pus acum 16 ani

Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
imi place fantomitza!

10 spre 11!  

Tic Tac....


pus acum 16 ani
Tzo cel Pip'

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888
Si eu ii dau alinului un zece cu felicitaree  
Si gemanutsei la fel chiar daca nu stiu ce este acel  

Cartoon Network Rullez !

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
10 BlOo

pt k e asa de BlOo


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
10 ca e serios

I wated but you never came
                   I stood there in the rain,
                   waiting for you in the codl night,
                   My tears streaming down my face..

                   You could not see them because of the rain...
                   My body soaked but you were still not there..
             I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came...
  My heart broke that night...

               When you NEVER came!!!

Love  is not blind, it’s retarded!

A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...

A smile doesn’t cost anything

The world is just a big ball to play with.

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Iasi ..pe acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
10 pt k e trupa mea preferata


AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi


pus acum 16 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
9.99 k e alb negru!mie imi place pe  culoare  

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
10 ca doar e cu mamiii         

Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
  mamiii isi iubeste copiii,drept urmare ii da 10 alinului!

Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side
U are my Extasy!
Cause when u're here I'm high by the music
          *Keeps me stronger*

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
10+ doar e sotzia cea frumoasa pe care i iube    


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".

pus acum 16 ani
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