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Nou pe simpatie: erica_ana_maria 22 ani
 | Femeie 22 ani Bucuresti cauta Barbat 27 - 67 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
dar azi la sc am primit mirificul corn si lapte
iau baietii toate cutiile de lapte(vro 26) si vro 20 le beau k apukti(7 baieti)......dupaia le era rau...........cu restu de 6 cutii arunku prin clasa,pe post de mige si i-a skpat unu lui radu in cap vro 3 pe jos+ k pe o cutie s-a asezat mihai si cand vine diriga clasa toata putea a lapte..........a facut ceva gura,am sters..........dupaia pauza urm au mai ciordit cateva cutii d la altii si au facut lafel )...............iar in ultima pauza au spart ceasu 

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
dar gestul conteaza maii nu fii rea
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
dar a fost un trandafir roshu si frumos 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
ador trandafiri 

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;)
 Din: SilverMoon City
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 344
da...ai mei erau 3 si galbeni :> 

pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
dc eshti mah rea.. daca baiatu nu a avut bani de mai mult..adik lol..i'a luat ceva simbolic si simo s'a bucurat de el
bucura'te de cadoul de la sergiu si nu mai rade de altzii
nu mi'o lua in nume de rau da ai fost rea la faza de sus :|

Modificat de Zo Cel Merri (acum 17 ani)
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
e bine k a primit si atata lucru si eu am primit un buchet de trandafiri rosii in acea zi 
_______________________________________ Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side U are my Extasy! Cause when u're here I'm high by the music *Keeps me stronger*
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
da pana la urma nu conteaza cadou.. conteaza k o iubeste
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
asta e cel mai important! 
_______________________________________ Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side U are my Extasy! Cause when u're here I'm high by the music *Keeps me stronger*
pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996


You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
_______________________________________ Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side U are my Extasy! Cause when u're here I'm high by the music *Keeps me stronger*
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
si mie imi plaaacccc 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
si mie 

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
ce nebuni

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
dar ai citit faza de la bio? 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 501
pus acum 17 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 501
) tre sa recunosc k avem niste uniforme de invidiat x-( :X:X 

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
dar mai ce isterik!!! 
_______________________________________ Tic Tac....
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
SI VOI SUNTETZI PE IUTUB?> la noi a aflat diriga si.. ahahaha
v ' am povestit
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
nici noi nu purtam uniforma e oribila albastra cu carouri 

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
abia ashtept liceu dezmatz maiii 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
abia astept

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
si eo vreau sa scap de sc aia idioata 

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
cu acel chilot se poate acoperii continentul americii de sud si ar mai ramane loc!
+ k e din bumbac
rox..se poate folosi si pe post de plasa de pescuit 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1548
adik o va impartzi?:-s

** ** ** ** **
 ** ** ** ** **
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
cine era senuzal ?
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
nici noi nu am vb de banket
se va imbraca in chilot si shoset sa nu uite de poseta de pe cap 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
striptis pe aici v-ati incins

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
omg daca era la noi era de rau 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
dar sa va zic ce au facut odata baieti...se tot juku cu nijte elastice si prin ore peste tot erau cu elastice,si la dirigentie.........diriga vb cu o profa....si lu un coleg i-a zburat elasticu exact in capul lui diriga mai ce am mai ras,si diriga s-a infuriat,si a vrut sa skda nota lu pourtare la toata clasa..... 

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
asta se numeste Viloenta si e cauzata de apropierea varstei de pensionare
va ajunge sa pescuiasca si ea in sufragerie 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 17 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1361
avem o profa de antreprenoriala cae e cam prostuta,nu stie sa se impuna si cam toti fac misto de ea sin cand a venit din vacanta a venit tunsa altfel si un coleg de al meu o intreaba:"doamna profesoara,v-ati tuns cu sapa?" 
_______________________________________ All we need is fantasy!
pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
ce nebuniii doamneee!! 
_______________________________________ Tic Tac....
pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
foarte nebuni

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
nebuni sunteti mah

You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
vaii vineri la bio ne'a venit vechiul coleg care s'a transferattt a venit sa ne viziteze maii ne'a curs lacrima 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 16 ani |
Zo Cel Merri
 Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
parca era alexandra 
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !

You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!

pus acum 16 ani |