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un interviu q bill la telefon...d la un radio din olanda....asta e interviu in germana
si in engleza
Giel:he is really just became 16, bill, good morning! Bill: Good morning! Giel: how are you? Bill: Jeah, i'm very very tired, i'm still in bed with unstyled hair [? xD] and very little eyes, because I've just wake...better said; i was waked [something I can't hear] Giel: it's monday, but you talk[actually kind of a rude way of this word in dutch..but i'm not sure how to call it in english] pretty fast for a monday! Eh.. Congratulations..the album is eeh..eeh. really good! Bill: Very good! Giel: How long did it take till it was finished? Bill: Ehh..Till whát was finished? Giel: The album. Bill: Oh, the album. It took a long time, we produces very long, I believe it was more than 2 years. We really wanted it took time and wrote really long with our producers. It was really important for us that everybody was satisfied[and something i can't hear]and some time it was ready and we found a recording company and than it started. Giel: Ok, how long are you making music? Bill: We are a band for 6 years now, but Tom and I started when we were 7 and with 9 we had the first concerts and that was still with us 2 and we learned to know[?] georg and gustav 6 years ago. Giel: Your twinbrother is also in the band, are you a bit as the Gallagher brothers from oasis? Bill: I would say we understand him a bit better. [I don't really hear this answer, but Giels translations makes it clear] Giel: haha, yes that is a difference, he explains that when you're just twinbrothers it's a bit different than the brothers from oasis. Fuck it, he talks[again the rude way]fast! Bill: Ja[ i don't believe this was an answer to that, but still x'D ] Giel: Can you still normal walk around the street in Germany? Bill: No, of course that can't anymore. When we are private on the way, we were a [the translationsite says capuchon or hood, but i'm not sure] or a hat or something like that and hope that the people won't recognize us. Of course it happens still that we have to write autographs and stuff, but that's fun, it isn't that that disturbs or something, but without just can't. Giel: A [hood or capuchon] makes wonders, than he can walk around the street. Do you have a relation ? Bill: No, we're all solo. I believe, at this time it's really hard, because we almost don't have time for a relation because at the first place is the music at the moment and that's not very easy for girls, because normaly a relation is at the first place[ or something like that xD] Giel: Ok, a personal question. Are you stil a virgin? Bill: Ehm...ehm..that i actually don't ... it stays a secret. I would say eeh.. Giel: So yes? Bill: Exacly. My brother is [....something...] You should see if you can talk with him [i believe] Giel: Ok, he's stil a virgin and it probably will be the same with the rest of the band. How are you doing that with school? Bill: we're still exempted for 1 year, but we are going trough! Something like distance training. Giel: Ok. still one year. And eeh...are you healthy?[in really weird german, so Bill doesn't understand xD] Bill: What? Giel: Yes there was a thing..that.. you didn't eat well eeh.. Bill: Oh that. Yeah, you really don't have to worry. It's really eeh.. well..we need full energy, because we're now also writing with the second album and we go to the studio and we have a lot of live concerts, also in amsterdam, and we love it [ and a lot of stuff with that but it's ... something like that xD] Giel: Ok. What do you think about holland? Bill: Very very nice. We were in Amsterdam, I was there privat too already and I have to say it's a really nice city. Giel: Ok, they are saturday in Paradiso (that's a club in amsterdam where th had a concert june 3rd of 2006.)and you have a chance for a meet&greet. Bill: Exacly. Giel: Thank you, Bill. Thanks. Bill: No problem. Giel: Do you come over here when you're the next time in Holland? Bill: Eh , of course, I think . [LIAR xp] Ok. for the next and last I think I have to explain a bit. 'Geil' is in dutch horny .. and in german Nice or something. And Giel álways asks to everybody if they could say a horny good morning, just good morning in a horny way. [geile goeie morgen in dutch] but Bill thinks of geil in the german way. Giel:Alright, one last thing. Especially for the ladies. Can you do a 'geilen guten morgen [horny good morning]'? -quiet- Giel: Oh I have to explain that..and then I also have to...eeh can you say a good horny good morning? Bill: A nice good morning. Giel: That was him, Bill from Tokio Hotel.
c voce d somnoros are 
_______________________________________ Seara se asterne peste sufletul meu/ Cand tu nu esti aproape/ Iar soarele imi incalzeste inima/ Cand tu esti mereu aproape/ De cate ori tu ma saruti/ Simt vraja iubirii cum mi se scurge-n vine/ De cate ori ma strangi in brate/ Simt pulsul tau in inima mea cum bate/ Pe pietul tau fierbine/ Sa pun capul incetisor/ Sa-mi maingai incet obrazul/ Sa te sarut cu drag de mii de ori/ In ochii tai frumosi ma pierd adesea/ Visez ca tu sa-mi fi aproape/ Si imi doresc cu nemarginire/ Ca trupurile noastre calde sa se inlantuie/ Sa simt caldura ta in mine/ Si sa ne iubim pana la moarte
