Moderat de *KiKi*, Bill_Tom_Kaulitz, ShoSeta, Tzo cel Pip', Zo Cel Merri, ich_liebe_dich
Pagini: 1
Biggest fan Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 189
OMG!am gasit p youtube un film in care Tom zike k are 5 pierceuri in penis si saracul Bill mai are un pik si vomita
_______________________________________ TH lebt, TH ist die Hoffnung, TH machte mich zu sein, was nun TH wurde ich in eine alternative Route geleitet.
pus acum 15 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
eu una nu stiu o boaba de germana. tom acolo poa' sa ma si injure ..un video cu traducere in engleza nu ai gasit?:-s
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 15 ani
Membru nou
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 8
aici e video cu subtitrare in engleza!
pus acum 15 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
that's better ^
totusi imi pare la shto..
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 15 ani
Membru nou
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 8
hmmm cine fi tare sa aiba!
pus acum 15 ani
Rock Angel
Tokio Hotel fan Din: Chica Bomb
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 102
OMG doamne...cred ca akum am inteles si yo dc are atata norc la fete
_______________________________________ You want me?I want you.You fuck me I fuck you
pus acum 15 ani
Deny ♥
Membru nou Din: Craiova.
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 24
Eu nu cred ca e adevarat. : )) Nu vedeti ca rade? Probabil a zis asta ca sa se dea mare [* ca de obicei ]
_______________________________________ I`m talking about love <333
pus acum 15 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 8
stiti voi ca in toata minciuna e si un adevar,poate are doar vreo 2 nu chiar 5
Modificat de madalina20 (acum 15 ani)
pus acum 15 ani
^VIP^ Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1361
eu nu cred ca are nimic ce ar fi sa faca o poza sa demonstreze
_______________________________________ All we need is fantasy!
pus acum 15 ani
^VIP^ Din: mata mea bway:))
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1136
o poza....hai k ar fi prea de tot
eu nu prea cred adica prea radea bill
_______________________________________ Uneori viata te loveste mai dureros decat lama unui cutit ascutit. Dar uneori ranile sunt vindecate de persoane care nu au idee cat bine iti pot face fara macar sa te cunoasca.
pus acum 15 ani
gYaNn@ love Bill and Tom
Membru nou Din: Din Guritza lui Tom si Bill:X.
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 42
Nu e adevarat. A zis la misto .Nu stiti cum are el mereu chef de panarama)? A zis sa il enerveze putin pe Bill.)
_______________________________________ Forever in my heart ! :X Lovely twins=p~
I`m trying to tell you I`m trying to know you I`m dying show you Fighting to get you.;
pus acum 15 ani
Biggest fan Din: in inima lui tom
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 159
va dati seama ce dureros ar fi mai ales 5 e chiar asa a zis si el la panarama asa cum are hef mereu sa faca mine off
_______________________________________ We were running through the town Our senses had been drowned No place we hadn’t been before We learned to live and then Our freedom came to an end We have to break down this wall Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
We are looking back again Our loneliness and pain Never been so wide awake Breathe slowly in and out so where we earned the clouds I can see the morning break Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
Leave it all behind you now The final wall is breaking down We are all it’s all about Nothing can stop us now
I promise you right know I never let you down
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t turn around
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashïng down Don’t you turn around
Don’t you turn around Don’t you turn around
pus acum 15 ani
Biggest fan Din: ~Taramul Blestemat~
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 195
stiu interviul
e dili dili la cap tom
_______________________________________ Stau intrun leagan plangand si suspinand de durere ! Trupul meu zacand de atata suferinta cu o inima intinsa, pe jos , sfaramata, asteptand sa vina cineva si sa o adune ,cu un suflet care cere alinare si o posibila iubire imaginara! Cu ochi mari caprui , cu un machiaj intins pe toata fatza si niste lacrimi care imi cuprind obrajii! Imaginea mea pierduta iti bantuie constiinta stiind ca atunci cand m’ai parasit a fost un sfarsit!
pus acum 15 ani
Biggest fan Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 189
_______________________________________ TH lebt, TH ist die Hoffnung, TH machte mich zu sein, was nun TH wurde ich in eine alternative Route geleitet.
pus acum 15 ani
Biggest fan Din: in inima lui tom
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 159
nu e mah nebun e doar asa mai gulumetz dde felul lui
_______________________________________ We were running through the town Our senses had been drowned No place we hadn’t been before We learned to live and then Our freedom came to an end We have to break down this wall Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
We are looking back again Our loneliness and pain Never been so wide awake Breathe slowly in and out so where we earned the clouds I can see the morning break Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
Leave it all behind you now The final wall is breaking down We are all it’s all about Nothing can stop us now
I promise you right know I never let you down
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t turn around
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashïng down Don’t you turn around
Don’t you turn around Don’t you turn around
pus acum 15 ani
Membru Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 54
nu e mai curvete de fire
_______________________________________ Tokio Hotel is the BEST,FUCK the rest!
pus acum 14 ani
Biggest fan Din: in inima lui tom
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 159
ar fi ceva sa aiba daca nu 5 macar 3 si fara tot de bn
_______________________________________ We were running through the town Our senses had been drowned No place we hadn’t been before We learned to live and then Our freedom came to an end We have to break down this wall Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
We are looking back again Our loneliness and pain Never been so wide awake Breathe slowly in and out so where we earned the clouds I can see the morning break Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
Leave it all behind you now The final wall is breaking down We are all it’s all about Nothing can stop us now
I promise you right know I never let you down
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t turn around
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashïng down Don’t you turn around
Don’t you turn around Don’t you turn around
pus acum 14 ani
Membru Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 54
deaia o are de 25 si Bill de 24?
_______________________________________ Tokio Hotel is the BEST,FUCK the rest!
pus acum 14 ani
Biggest fan Din: in inima lui tom
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 159
lool 24-25 e prea mare dar ar fi bn sa fie asa 24-25 cm
_______________________________________ We were running through the town Our senses had been drowned No place we hadn’t been before We learned to live and then Our freedom came to an end We have to break down this wall Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
We are looking back again Our loneliness and pain Never been so wide awake Breathe slowly in and out so where we earned the clouds I can see the morning break Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
Leave it all behind you now The final wall is breaking down We are all it’s all about Nothing can stop us now
I promise you right know I never let you down
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t turn around
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashïng down Don’t you turn around
Don’t you turn around Don’t you turn around
pus acum 14 ani
Biggest fan Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 189
poi asa e:X
_______________________________________ TH lebt, TH ist die Hoffnung, TH machte mich zu sein, was nun TH wurde ich in eine alternative Route geleitet.
pus acum 14 ani
Biggest fan Din: in inima lui tom
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 159
de unde stiti voi ??
_______________________________________ We were running through the town Our senses had been drowned No place we hadn’t been before We learned to live and then Our freedom came to an end We have to break down this wall Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
We are looking back again Our loneliness and pain Never been so wide awake Breathe slowly in and out so where we earned the clouds I can see the morning break Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
Leave it all behind you now The final wall is breaking down We are all it’s all about Nothing can stop us now
I promise you right know I never let you down
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t turn around
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashïng down Don’t you turn around
Don’t you turn around Don’t you turn around
pus acum 14 ani
Membru Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 54
dintr-un interviu...lam gasit akum 2 ani pe siteul lor oficial)
_______________________________________ Tokio Hotel is the BEST,FUCK the rest!
pus acum 14 ani
Biggest fan Din: in inima lui tom
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 159
De acum 2 ani poate a mai crescut
_______________________________________ We were running through the town Our senses had been drowned No place we hadn’t been before We learned to live and then Our freedom came to an end We have to break down this wall Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
We are looking back again Our loneliness and pain Never been so wide awake Breathe slowly in and out so where we earned the clouds I can see the morning break Too young to live a lie Look into my eyes
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t you turn around
Leave it all behind you now The final wall is breaking down We are all it’s all about Nothing can stop us now
I promise you right know I never let you down
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashing down Don’t turn around
Ready, set, go it’s time to run The sky is changing we are warned Together we can make it while the world is crashïng down Don’t you turn around