Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
auziti ref la titlu
io stiti ce mel ias dedik
asc aici:
i-ati tomytza ziua bunaaaa de la bill si de la muma
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani
^VIP^ Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1032
cand e nunta?
ade, vad ca tu esti babutza d-aia ce chiuie la nunta
eu il bocesc la mort ca il omoram dupa ce se insoara
_______________________________________ De ce viata fara el e doar un drum spre moarte?...
(ce emo suna:P)
pus acum 17 ani
Zo Cel Merri
Moderator Din: Cartof
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9463
btw.. am uitat ce trbuie sa zic.. asa k nu zic nimic
a da.. tom rox !
_______________________________________ And Nothing Else Matters !
You`ll never be old and wise if You aren`t young and crazy!
pus acum 17 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
DEEA a scris:
cand e nunta?
ade, vad ca tu esti babutza d-aia ce chiuie la nunta
eu il bocesc la mort ca il omoram dupa ce se insoara
si acu poc geamurile
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani
^VIP^ Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1032
poc! poc!
stai fa...ce geamuri?
_______________________________________ De ce viata fara el e doar un drum spre moarte?...
(ce emo suna:P)
pus acum 17 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
geamurile de la acel restaurant unde este nunta
chiui io odata si se sparg
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 17 ani
^VIP^ Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1032
_______________________________________ De ce viata fara el e doar un drum spre moarte?...
(ce emo suna:P)
pus acum 17 ani
Membru nou Din: WhereICanHearTheSilentScream:)
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 48
pai...ii dedic melodia 3 sud est - Arati perfect stiu ca e veche melodia
_______________________________________ Caut cu o tortza stinsa... raspunsuri inghetate pe veci
pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<
Addicted! Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
eu ii dedik do you wanna fuck? yes i wanna do
_______________________________________ I wated but you never came I stood there in the rain, waiting for you in the codl night, My tears streaming down my face.. You could not see them because of the rain... My body soaked but you were still not there.. I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came... My heart broke that night...
When you NEVER came!!!
Love is not blind, it’s retarded!
A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...
A smile doesn’t cost anything
The world is just a big ball to play with.
pus acum 16 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
eu dedik
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
eoo acum ii dedic mel "hoteluri".o canta BUG.
"sampania curgeee femeile danseaza mafia,in hoteluri se distreazaaa!!!!"
bn,nuh vreau sa i-o cant eoo el sa o cante pt... cine vrea!
>>El Puric<<
Addicted! Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
dap..e atre mel..da nu si cn o canta
parerea mea
_______________________________________ I wated but you never came I stood there in the rain, waiting for you in the codl night, My tears streaming down my face.. You could not see them because of the rain... My body soaked but you were still not there.. I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came... My heart broke that night...
When you NEVER came!!!
Love is not blind, it’s retarded!
A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...
A smile doesn’t cost anything
The world is just a big ball to play with.
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
si pe mineeeeee! nu po s-o sufar!
_______________________________________ Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side U are my Extasy! Cause when u're here I'm high by the music *Keeps me stronger*
pus acum 16 ani
Tzo cel Pip'
Moderator Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 9888
Ce dezvaluiri impresionante Daca tot estem la Ziua Judecatzii...nici mie nu'mi place acea bleahh Si nici evenescence care mi se par...
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
>>El Puric<<
Addicted! Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 892
Tzo cel Pip' a scris:
Ce dezvaluiri impresionante Daca tot estem la Ziua Judecatzii...nici mie nu'mi place acea bleahh Si nici evenescence care mi se par...
evanescene mis e par mijto
unele mel sunt chiar mrf
_______________________________________ I wated but you never came I stood there in the rain, waiting for you in the codl night, My tears streaming down my face.. You could not see them because of the rain... My body soaked but you were still not there.. I waited and waited all throught the night but you never came... My heart broke that night...
When you NEVER came!!!
Love is not blind, it’s retarded!
A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...
A smile doesn’t cost anything
The world is just a big ball to play with.
pus acum 16 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
mie nici aia nu'mi plak
+k am auzit k amy lee e f afurisita cu membrii trupei
numai bring to my life imi plc
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Nemtzia!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 4927
mai degraba "dezvaluiri socante"k la OTV!
_______________________________________ Tell me if u care about me/I want u back by my side U are my Extasy! Cause when u're here I'm high by the music *Keeps me stronger*
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1032
eu ii dedic....jaga jaga
_______________________________________ De ce viata fara el e doar un drum spre moarte?...
(ce emo suna:P)
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
_______________________________________ De ce viata fara el e doar un drum spre moarte?...
(ce emo suna:P)
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1032
sau sau sau
"no air" a lu jordin cu chris brown.....tell me how to live with no air
_______________________________________ De ce viata fara el e doar un drum spre moarte?...
(ce emo suna:P)
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
il vrei outta your head?? :-s ma ingrijorezi! [dar mel aia a ei e ]
eoo am nevoie de ea k sa-mi scot vocea din kp! ma dispera aceasta alter ego pe kre o am! in ore ma bufneste rasu` cand incepe ea sa zik idiotzenii si colegii s uita la mine k la o nebuna! nuh k n-as fi!
nuj d c dar mi'ar plc s ii dedik mel celor d la varza = acadele cu pedale
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
caramele nu acadele
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1032
_______________________________________ De ce viata fara el e doar un drum spre moarte?...
(ce emo suna:P)
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: Iasi acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
Giorgos Mais - eho trelathei mazi sou
_______________________________________ .............. AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi
........... Plecata
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1032
mazel tov
_______________________________________ De ce viata fara el e doar un drum spre moarte?...
(ce emo suna:P)
pus acum 16 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
ug mafia-pantelimonu' petrece
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: Iasi acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
pantelimonu` petrece
_______________________________________ .............. AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi
........... Plecata
pus acum 16 ani
Best-Signature^ Din: ~Cana~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 8147
yo kred k BYZ-Do u wanna fuckk deci asta i s potriveste pot sa poon pariu... j mel aia a lu ashlee outta my head e.... deci yo tot timpu am kate o obsesie pt vreo mel avea mel lu britney aia noua apoi aia a lu enrique PUSH kre e zicetsi voi dka nuh iar akum asta e noua mea obsesie
(ink cv yo knd scriu mai mult aja ma pierd....j nu maiinatelege nimeni nimik ..... dar intrebatsi c nu capisce
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
eu i-as dedica Blue - One Love
dar si acea a lu Ashlee e tare desi nu il vreau ouuta my head
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: Iasi acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
so thare
ehh eu
Lil Wayne - LOLLIPOP si gata !
_______________________________________ .............. AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi
........... Plecata
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
imi place
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: Iasi acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
valeu si mie
_______________________________________ .............. AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi
........... Plecata
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
eu ias mai dedik mel lu SImplu - 10
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: Iasi acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
ayayayy ))
_______________________________________ .............. AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi
........... Plecata
pus acum 16 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
pana la 10 vrei sa te f**
kiar ca merge
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: Iasi acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
de la 4 pan la 10 am sa`l fooot asa cum vreaa
_______________________________________ .............. AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi
........... Plecata
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
ce v-am zis eu k i se potriveste
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 16 ani
Membru nou Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 21
e-rotic-help me dr dick cred k i se portiveste : ))
pus acum 16 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
eu zic animal x -- baieti derbedei
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
Membru nou Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 21
oh yeah ... za rapper : ))
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
mel aia care a puso the.taste.of.blood nu o stiu
acea a twinului e foarte potrivita
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: Iasi acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
chris brown - with you
_______________________________________ .............. AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi
........... Plecata
pus acum 16 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
chris brown si jordan nush cum no air 8->
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: Iasi acolo pe undeva
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1067
nu o stiu dar acuma imi place aiaa with you
_______________________________________ .............. AgApI MoU MEGaLi SaGaPO Tom ParA PoLi
........... Plecata
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1032
eu ii dedic "love bites"
I don't wanna touch you too much baby Cause makin' love to you might drive me crazy
_______________________________________ De ce viata fara el e doar un drum spre moarte?...
(ce emo suna:P)
pus acum 16 ani
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;) Din: Botosani
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 222
ias dedica mel lui sex
_______________________________________ i love you tom kaulitz!!! idak vretzi sa vb id meu este tommy_is_my_love .
pus acum 16 ani
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;) Din: Botosani
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 222
ias dedica mel lui sex
_______________________________________ i love you tom kaulitz!!! idak vretzi sa vb id meu este tommy_is_my_love .
pus acum 16 ani
Irrul' Cel' Nebun ' Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 424
nu jtiu ce melodie e asta..cine o candta sau cum se numesjte dar are versuri cam asa "I'm..too sexy for my love, to sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my world, yeah...." si se termina cu "Adn I'm too sexy for this song"
i se potriveshteeeeee
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: *KauLiciouss*
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1195
pai tony braxton-spanish guitar sau britney spears-breathe on me (nu asc britney spears dar mel asta e mai perversa si i se potriveste)
pus acum 16 ani
ßέst Prєtty Ðї√їñع BαЯbїє
Membru nou
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 42
Chris Brown - with you... ne-yo- closer delta gooodreeeemmmmm- lost without u
Una din astea
pus acum 16 ani
Best-Signature^ Din: ~Cana~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 8147
Irra a scris:
nu jtiu ce melodie e asta..cine o candta sau cum se numesjte dar are versuri cam asa "I'm..too sexy for my love, to sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my world, yeah...." si se termina cu "Adn I'm too sexy for this song"
i se potriveshteeeeee
oda jtiu vid sunt tari versurile...dar sincer baiatu din vid nu mi se pare nici makr Pepsi vreti video? deci eo rad knd vad asa cv
pus acum 16 ani
Best-Signature^ Din: ~Cana~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 8147
hai sa mai zik cv pls pls nu sariti p mene jtiu k nare nici o legatura...dar.....j jtiu k d la o vreme avetsi cv ku rihana dar.....hai z zik....
mel lu rihana umbrella are 11 milioane 500d mii de vizionari....kre jtim ku toti e/a fost o mel nah me mi-a moment... dar mel Monsoon -TH are 21 de milioane 650 de mii de vizitatori..... so kiar kas tari dak intrati la fiekare o sa vedeti...
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
Nu chiar toate
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: *KauLiciouss*
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1195
i-as dedicaaa....ce melodie vrea el
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
Darren Hayes - Insatible
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 16 ani
~frozen darkness~
Addicted! Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
melodia aia cu do you wanna 1000 merre si breath on me
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home. haters make me famous! eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
Sarah rimes -- une fille comme cela
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 16 ani
^VIP^ Din: *KauLiciouss*
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1195
Byz-Do you wanna fuck
pus acum 16 ani
~frozen darkness~
Addicted! Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
cea mai potriivita
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home. haters make me famous! eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani
Addicted! Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 442
Breathe on me
_______________________________________ TOM
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
Sunt marfa toate 3 melodiile
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 16 ani
~frozen darkness~
Addicted! Din: ~un oras mic si oribil:|~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 465
_______________________________________ A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home. haters make me famous! eu nu sunt un corp care are suflet..sunt un suflet care are o parte vizibila numita corp! So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't want to hear IT Get out, get out, get out Get out of my WAY Step UP, step UP, step UP You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down. id`uri mele:green43 and girlluv_tom
pus acum 16 ani
*Best.Avatar* Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 517
byz- do you wanna fuck e cea mai simbolica pt el...i se potriveste de minune..
Modificat de fresita~dulshe (acum 16 ani)
_______________________________________ ~°This is the end you know Boy, the plans we had went all wrong We ain't nothing but fight and shout and tears We can't cry the pain away We can't find a need to stay There's no more rabbits in my hat to make things right Out of my life, Out of my mind Out of the tears we can't deny We need to swallow all our pride And leave this mess behind Out of my head, Out of my bed Out of the dreams we had, they're bad Tell them it's me who made you sad Tell them the fairytale gone bad~°
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ luv my soatza:X
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: Sticla de Pepsi!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 14996
Simple Plan - I do anything
You never know who are your true feelings, even if you say "I Love You", in your mind is "I Hate You".
pus acum 16 ani
Moderator Din: nameless land
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 13000
pus acum 15 ani
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;) Din: far away;;)
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 280
LoooL mein fine cred ca ias decik Tomberonistului...... missing -evanescence
bah am inceputh sa imi dea lacrimile de versuri
_______________________________________ All I ever wanted Was to see you smiling All I ever wanted Was to make you mine I know that I love you Oh baby why don’t you see That all I ever wanted Was you and me
pus acum 15 ani
*Best.Avatar* Din: ShamPaniA cUrgE [:X]
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 1945
ok si acuma sa ne pisham totzi in grup
PS-nu ma injuratzi
Si iash mai dedica lui tom Evanescence-my last breath si Evanescence-haunted
Si hai ca pe Evanescence-sweet sacrifice leo dedic amandurora
Modificat de Андреа (acum 15 ani)
_______________________________________ House is the best :]].
pus acum 15 ani
se vede cine e fan adevarat ;) Din: far away;;)
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 280
Oh Mein Goth nhu mai poth de ras nu imi plake mie nicole gutza dua melodia asta i se potrviste sooper lu Tom
_______________________________________ All I ever wanted Was to see you smiling All I ever wanted Was to make you mine I know that I love you Oh baby why don’t you see That all I ever wanted Was you and me
pus acum 15 ani
*Best.Avatar* Din: ShamPaniA cUrgE [:X]
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 1945
vedetzi mah? le am cu potrivitul
_______________________________________ House is the best :]].
pus acum 15 ani
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6111
Aighidagaga tailapla
Hop Hop !
Hai ca'mi place
_______________________________________ Cum iti asterni ... cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau!
pus acum 15 ani
Best-Signature^ Din: ~Cana~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 8147