Moderat de *KiKi*, Bill_Tom_Kaulitz, NarCiss, Tzo cel Pip', Zo Cel Merri, ich_liebe_dich
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nu sunt versuri scrise de mine dar sunt absolut superbe...
Nu te mai am, ai plecat, Tu pe drumul tau, eu pe al meu Nu ai privit inapoi, Nepasatoare cum ai fost mereu M-ai lovit cum nici-o alta pana acum nu reusise Acum sunt gol, a ramas cenusa sperantelor stinse Ghinionist de fel, astfel inca de cand m-am nascut Am plecat ratacind in cautarea norocului pierdut Credeam ca si pe tine te-am pierdut, la-nceput Dar mi-am dat seama ca Nu poti pierde ceva ce n-ai avut Cum sa trec peste tot ce-a fost Cand eu adorm si-acum oftand? Iar daca tu m-ai uitat demult, De ce te port si acum in gand? Cum sa fie totul un vis frumos Cand eu m-am trezit plangand? Iar daca tu nu m-ai visat niciodata, De ce ma trezesc si acum visand? Simt si acum sforile tale ce M-au tinut legat pana mai incoace Ma trezesc din somn tipand "Da-mi drumul, stii ca nu-mi place!" "Te rog lasa-ma in pace, lasa-ma, da-mi drumul.. pleaca odata!" Dar stiu ca nu mai sunt legat acum, Iar tu n-ai fost aici niciodata
I can sleep at night I`m staring at the phone Knowing you are not alone She is right there by your side I`m tryin just to hide All the things I feel inside
Sunt scapat, nu pot sa cad , Sunt vazut , dar sunt uitat Multe ganduri ma incearca Dar de mult am realizat M-ai lovit , n-am renuntat M-am simtit mai deprimat . Am vrut sa fiu aproape, stii bine, De la inceput am tot sperat ! Cu gandul ca va fi mai bine Si m-a durut dar n-am stiut . Cad abrupt printre vise, Te regasesc eu tot am vrut ! Dezamagit ca n-am putut sa te fac fericita, Te-am placut . Au fost doar simple cuvinte pierdute Ce mi-au ramas in minte. Trag sa sper ca totul depinde Incontinuare de tot ce a fost . Ma simt prost cand te vad ! Mi-aduc aminte, dar fara rost ! O copilarie, o chemare, o fata, O strigare si-un baiat oare care Tind sa cred ca totul moare Ma simt lovit de simplul fapt ca m-ai mintit . Am cazut, m-am ridicat, Te-am iubit, tu m-ai uitat . De simplul fapt ca m-ai ranit, De simplul fapt ca m-ai jignit. Prin simplul fapt ca n-ai gandit ! Eu pentru ce te-am iubït ?
I can sleep at night I`m staring at the phone Knowing you are not alone She is right there by your side I`m tryin just to hide All the things I feel inside I can sense the chemistry When youre standing close to me I feel like a ship thats lost at see It`s getting harder to ignore is not like anything before I know ït's crazy baby but I want more
_______________________________________ ~°This is the end you know Boy, the plans we had went all wrong We ain't nothing but fight and shout and tears We can't cry the pain away We can't find a need to stay There's no more rabbits in my hat to make things right Out of my life, Out of my mind Out of the tears we can't deny We need to swallow all our pride And leave this mess behind Out of my head, Out of my bed Out of the dreams we had, they're bad Tell them it's me who made you sad Tell them the fairytale gone bad~°
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ luv my soatza:X
pus acum 16 ani
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tare Imi plac
pus acum 15 ani
*Best.Avatar* Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 517
astea nu sunt versurile mele dar sunt mortale:X ma bucur k iti plac
_______________________________________ ~°This is the end you know Boy, the plans we had went all wrong We ain't nothing but fight and shout and tears We can't cry the pain away We can't find a need to stay There's no more rabbits in my hat to make things right Out of my life, Out of my mind Out of the tears we can't deny We need to swallow all our pride And leave this mess behind Out of my head, Out of my bed Out of the dreams we had, they're bad Tell them it's me who made you sad Tell them the fairytale gone bad~°
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ luv my soatza:X
pus acum 15 ani
Best-Signature^ Din: ~Cana~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 8147
deci daca mel asta este TOTAL ABSOLUT.... Versurilee nu mai zicccc
pus acum 15 ani
Tokio Hotel fan Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 117
am ramas
e superbaaaaa
_______________________________________ I saw you craying yesterday Just let me wide those tears away I'll be your sun after the rain I'll make shure you'll never feel the pain again... ~Baby close your eyes and come with me... In my world of dreams where love is free... Come and hold my hand let's get away From this crazy world we livin in today... Today i saw your pretty smile It made me feel like i'm alive You change my life forever... And i'm shure i'll never feel the same again... ~Baby close your eyes and come with me... In my world of dreams where love is free... Come and hold my hand let's get away From this crazy world we livin in today...
pus acum 15 ani
Best-Signature^ Din: ~Cana~
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 8147